Our School


Percy Baxter Middle School is located in the downtown area of Whitecourt. It is a modern school built in 1990, serving students in Grade 6, 7 and 8 with a staff of 35 consisting of teachers, educational assistants, success coaches and support staff.   

The population is approximately 400 students with six Grade 6 classes, five Grade 7 classes and five Grade 8 classes.  

Our school is a bright, open facility which offers a variety of programs and student option classes.  A grade-level Leadership program provides students with numerous opportunities to take an active role in the school.  Technology plays a large role in in learning in our school and students are encouraged to bring their personal devices to enhance their learning.


At Percy Baxter school we recognize that our strength is in our diversity. We make it a priority to know and acknowledge the individual strengths and talents of our students. We strive to provide programming that allows students to learn in a manner that is interesting and meaningful.  Classroom learning activities and assessment opportunities are created with the unique learning needs of our students in mind. Our sports teams, various clubs and the opportunities for leadership that we offer our students, serves to develop their unique skills and talents. 

We believe that our students learn best in an environment that is safe and caring. We ensure that expectations for behavior are clearly outlined for all students and we hold them accountable for reaching them. We celebrate their successes! Our Renaissance program serves to reward students for meeting both academic and behavioral success. Month End Parties, Awards celebrations, Gotcha’s, Agenda Runs and HAT Patrol give students positive feedback and reinforcement for reaching success.  We value our relationships with our parent community, business community and the various social agencies that are able to assist us in working for student success.

Ultimately our goal is success for all Percy Baxter students!


Principal David Turcotte

Assistant Principal Brenda Rawluk


The staff at Percy Baxter School understands that every student is unique, capable of learning and is interested in learning. We know that every student has strengths and they learn by applying these strengths to new situations. We will strive to provide meaningful programs that are suitably challenging for all students.

We further believe that a major factor in success at school and in life is a positive attitude. Our ultimate goal is that each of our students will become a confident and contributing member of our democratic society.

We want every  child to succeed academically and behaviourally. The school, in partnership with parents, address non-success through clear expectations and the provision of whatever support and structure is needed to ensure success. The school's Efffective Behavioural Support Team works pro-actively to evaluate and address behavioural concerns.

At Percy Baxter, we are the home of the STARS:

S – Everyone has a right to be SAFE.
T – Be a positive TEAM player.
A – Be ACCOUNTABLE and responsible for your actions.
R – RESPECT yourself, others and school property.
S – Strive for SUCCESS.